
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Room Management System – The Menu - part 10

Today we start adding our revised AC control into the menu. We can use most of the menu items, we have already build. One small submenu I still had to add. Let's start as usual in the declaration part of our sketch and jump right into the “Menu and user interface section”.

///////////////////Menu and user interface/////////////////////////////////

const byte btnMenu = 1;          //defining the menu button – moves through the menu
const byte btnSearch = 2;        //defining the search button – moves through values 
const byte btnSelect = 3;        //defining the select button – selects a menu or a value
const byte btnNone = 0;          //defining the non button pressed var
int act_key_in = 0;              //var holding the key related sensor reading

byte menuOption = 0;             //var to count current menu option 

//<<<<<<<<<<<<menuOptions = 20; changes to menuOptions = 21;<<<<<<<<<<<<<
const byte menuOptions = 21;     //available menu options
byte submenu = 0;                //var to count current submenu option
const byte submenus = 10;        //available submenu options
byte acSetup = 0;                //var to count current ac setup menu options
const byte acSetups = 4;          //available ac setup menu options

Now we move down a bit to the declaration of the msg table and add a few entries:

//Storing some menu messages in the program memory
prog_char msg_0[] PROGMEM = "Not Used";      
prog_char msg_1[] PROGMEM = "Saving....";
prog_char msg_2[] PROGMEM = "Setup mode";
prog_char msg_3[] PROGMEM = "Starting....";
prog_char msg_4[] PROGMEM = "RMU 1.3.7";
prog_char msg_5[] PROGMEM = "Weekday";
prog_char msg_6[] PROGMEM = "On  TIMER  Off";
prog_char msg_7[] PROGMEM = "Off   ";
prog_char msg_8[] PROGMEM = "Active";
prog_char msg_9[] PROGMEM = "PIR Delay R";
prog_char msg_10[] PROGMEM = "T1 On/Off R";
prog_char msg_11[] PROGMEM = "T2 On/Off R";
prog_char msg_12[] PROGMEM = "T3 On/Off R";
prog_char msg_13[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Hour On";
prog_char msg_14[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Minute On";
prog_char msg_15[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Hour Off";
prog_char msg_16[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Minute Off";
prog_char msg_17[] PROGMEM = "Set Sensitivity";
prog_char msg_18[] PROGMEM = "Set photocell R";
prog_char msg_19[] PROGMEM = "Set photocell O";
prog_char msg_20[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Time Minute";
prog_char msg_21[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Time Hour";
prog_char msg_22[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Date Day";
prog_char msg_23[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Date Month";
prog_char msg_24[] PROGMEM = "ADJ Date Year";
prog_char msg_25[] PROGMEM = "T4 On/Off R";

//>>>>>>>>>>>>>Addition starts here<<<<<<<<<<<<<
prog_char msg_26[] PROGMEM = "ADJ AC Mode";
prog_char msg_27[] PROGMEM = "AC Set Temp";
prog_char msg_28[] PROGMEM = "AC Switch Delay";

//>>>>>>>>>>>>>Addition ends here<<<<<<<<<<<<
//Creating the table for the stored menu messages
PROGMEM const char *msg_table[] = {
  msg_25,  //<<<<<<<<<<<<Don't forget to add ','
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Addition starts here<<<<<<<<<<<<<

//>>>>>>>>>>>>>Addition ends here<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From here we go down to the menu table and add:

prog_char menu_16[] PROGMEM = "AC Setup";

right after

prog_char menu_15[] PROGMEM = "Room 10";

Please NOTE, you have now two declarations of “prog_char menu_16[] “

On everything after the added line, you have to update the numbers. What was 16 becomes 17, what was 17 becomes 18 ….
And since the declarations now end with 20 and not with 19 any more, we have to add it also to the table.

The updated menu table looks now like this:

//storing the main menu points in the program memory
prog_char menu_0[] PROGMEM = "Date/Time";
prog_char menu_1[] PROGMEM = "Sensitivity";
prog_char menu_2[] PROGMEM = "Room photo cut";
prog_char menu_3[] PROGMEM = "Room photo limit";
prog_char menu_4[] PROGMEM = "OS photo cut";
prog_char menu_5[] PROGMEM = "OS photo limit";
prog_char menu_6[] PROGMEM = "Room 1";
prog_char menu_7[] PROGMEM = "Room 2";
prog_char menu_8[] PROGMEM = "Room 3";
prog_char menu_9[] PROGMEM = "Room 4";
prog_char menu_10[] PROGMEM = "Room 5";
prog_char menu_11[] PROGMEM = "Room 6";
prog_char menu_12[] PROGMEM = "Room 7";
prog_char menu_13[] PROGMEM = "Room 8";
prog_char menu_14[] PROGMEM = "Room 9";
prog_char menu_15[] PROGMEM = "Room 10";
prog_char menu_16[] PROGMEM = "AC Setup";
prog_char menu_17[] PROGMEM = "AC 1";
prog_char menu_18[] PROGMEM = "AC 2";
prog_char menu_19[] PROGMEM = "AC 3";
prog_char menu_20[] PROGMEM = "AC 4";

PROGMEM const char *menu_table[] = {

The submenu table is a little easier again. There we just add a line at the end:

//storing the sub menu points in the program memory
prog_char submenu_0[] PROGMEM = "PIR delay R";
prog_char submenu_1[] PROGMEM = "HT1 Active R";
prog_char submenu_2[] PROGMEM = "Timer 1 R";
prog_char submenu_3[] PROGMEM = "HT2 Active R";
prog_char submenu_4[] PROGMEM = "Timer 2 R";
prog_char submenu_5[] PROGMEM = "HT3 Active R";
prog_char submenu_6[] PROGMEM = "Timer 3 R";
prog_char submenu_7[] PROGMEM = "HT4 Active R";
prog_char submenu_8[] PROGMEM = "Timer 4 R";
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADD the line below<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
prog_char submenu_9[] PROGMEM = "Off Delay R";

PROGMEM const char *submenu_table[] = {
  submenu_8,  //<<<<<<<<<<<<<Don't forget to add the ','
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADD the line below<<<<<<<<<<<<< 

Right after we have done this, we add another table for the General AC setup:

prog_char ac_setup_0[] PROGMEM = "AC Mode";
prog_char ac_setup_1[] PROGMEM = "Set Temp";
prog_char ac_setup_2[] PROGMEM = "Seasons";
prog_char ac_setup_3[] PROGMEM = "Switch Delay";

PROGMEM const char *ac_setup_table[] = {

from here we jump down into the selectMenu() function. Check carefully the addition at the end of the first part of the function.

void selectMenu(){
  byte button = 0;                    //var holding the button value
  byte subButton = 0;                 //var holding the subButton value
  menuOption = 1;                     //current menu option
  lcd.clear();                        //clear screen
  //print the retrieved string on lcd
  lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[0]))));
  while(menuOption <= menuOptions){   //loop through menu options
    button = read_act_buttons();      //check if button was pressed
    if(button == btnMenu){            //if it was btn menu
      menuOption++;                   //add 1 to menu option
      if(menuOption == 2){             //if it's menu option 2
        lcd.clear();                   //clear display
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[1]))));
      if(menuOption == 3){             //if it's menu option 3
        lcd.clear();                   //clear display
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[2]))));
      if(menuOption == 4){            //if it's menu option 4
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[3]))));
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message sdting
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(msg_table[0]))));
      if(menuOption == 5){            //if it's menu option 5
        lcd.clear();                  //clear display
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[4]))));
      if(menuOption == 6){            //if it's menu option 6
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[5]))));
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print retrieved message string
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(msg_table[0]))));
      if(menuOption == 7){            //if it's menu option 7
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[6]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 8){            //if it's menu option 8
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[7]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 9){            //if it's menu option 9
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[8]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 10){            //if it's menu option 10
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[9]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 11){            //if it's menu option 12
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[10]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 12){            //if it's menu option 13
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[11]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message sdting
      if(menuOption == 13){            //if it's menu option 14
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[12]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 14){            //if it's menu option 15
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[13]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 15){            //if it's menu option 16
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[14]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print retrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 16){            //if it's menu option 17
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[15]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 17){            //if it's menu option 18
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[16]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print retrieved message string
      if(menuOption == 18){            //if it's menu option 19
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[17]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message sdting
      if(menuOption == 19){            //if it's menu option 20
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[18]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print tetrieved message sdting
      if(menuOption == 20){            //if it's menu option 21
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[19]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print retrieved message string
 //>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADDITION STARTS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
      if(menuOption == 21){            //if it's menu option 21
        lcd.clear();                  //clear lcd
        //print retrieved string on lcd
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer_M, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menu_table[20]))));
        lcd.setCursor(15, 0);          //set cursor to row 2 column 1
        //print retrieved message string
 //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADDITION ENDS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
    if(button == btnSelect){ //if the select button is pressed
      if(menuOption == 1){   //amd menu option is 1
        adjust_date_time();  //go to adust date and time
      if(menuOption == 2){   //and menu option is 2
        sensitivity = get_Timer(17, sensitivity, 0, 1000); //go to function 

From here we go down to the end of the selectMenu() function and add:

      if(menuOption == 13){ //and menu option is 13 (room 7)
      } //submenu end
      if(menuOption == 14){ //and menu option is 14 (room 8)
      } //submenu end
      if(menuOption == 15){ //and menu option is 15 (room 9)
      } //submenu end
      if(menuOption == 16){ //and menu option is 16 (room 10)
      } //submenu end 
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADDITION STARTS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
      if(menuOption == 17){ //and menu option is 17 (AC setup)
        //submenu end
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADDITION ENDS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 

void get_submenu(byte room){
  byte subButton = 0;        //resetting the button var
  submenu = 1;       //submenu counter
  lcd.clear();       //clear screen

Everything as we have already done before. And if you did pay attention again, you now already that I was cheeky and sneaked another function in. Since we run that piece of code only once, I could have put it right into the selectMenu() function but since it is so nice structured, I decided to put that extra submenu also into a function, get_ac_setup. The menu structure is the same as in the other sub menu and three out of the four menu points are using the get_Timer function to adjust the values. Only to set up the seasonal boundaries we need to add another function but that's done in the next post. As to days final the get_ac_setup() function.

void get_ac_setup(){
  byte subButton = 0;
  acSetup = 1;                     //submenu counter (AC Mode)
  lcd.clear();                       //clear screen
  //retrieving and printing first sub menu point
  lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(ac_setup_table[0]))));
  while(acSetup < acSetups){       //loop through the submenu points
    subButton = read_act_buttons();  //checking for pressed buttons
    if(subButton == btnMenu){        //if button menu was pressed
      acSetup++;                     //add 1 -  move to the next point
      if(acSetup == 2){              //if we are at submenu 2 (Set Temp)
        lcd.clear();                 //clear screen
        //retrieving and printing second sub menu point
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(ac_setup_table[1]))));
      if(acSetup == 3){              //if we are at submenu 3 (Seasons)
        //retrieving and printing the third sub menu point
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(ac_setup_table[2]))));
      if(acSetup == 4){             //if we are at submenu 4 (Switch delay)
        lcd.clear();                  //clear screen
        //retrieving and printing sub menu point 4
        lcd.print(strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(ac_setup_table[3]))));
    if(subButton == btnSelect){      //if btn select was pressed
      if(acSetup == 1){              //and sub menu is 1
        //call function get_Timer
        ac_op_mode = get_Timer(26, ac_op_mode, 1, 3);
      if(acSetup == 2){              //and sub menu is 2
        //call function get_Timer
        ac_set_temp = get_Timer(27, ac_set_temp, 18, 32);
      if(acSetup == 3){              //and submenu is 3
        //call function adj_Seasons
        //still being worked on
      if(acSetup == 4){
        //call function get_Timer
        acSwitchDelay = get_Timer(28, acSwitchDelay, 1, 5);

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